The Healing Benefits Of Turmeric

The healing benefits of turmeric are well documented. It has the ability to support the immune system and is linked to healing cancer. Turmeric is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and a natural anti-inflammatory.

Inflammation is a current day epidemic that is the root cause of all degenerative diseases in our society.  Turmeric has been shown to reduce inflammation & oxidative stress helping the body’s immune system work at optimum to fight off disease. 

The active ingredient of turmeric is Curcumin and is 10% of actual turmeric. Piperine is 10% of black pepper and when combined you get the most effective healing result. 

Curcumin has been linked to:

  • improve brain health
  • improve digestion
  • reduce inflammation
  • supports liver function
  • improves insulin and blood sugar balance
  • supports healing
  • boosts your immune system
  • balances cholesterol 

A recently published paper by Chabot & Huntwork Sept 2021 in NCBI made a direct link between turmeric and reducing the co-morbid respiratory complications of COV-ID. Many nations have incorporated turmeric into their diets for thousands of years to support good health.

The Healing Benefits of Turmeric in Supplements

Supplements like our Organic Turmeric only use Curcumin and Piperine to bring about this fast-acting healing effect. If you are feeling unwell, take 2 of our Organic Turmeric Capsules before each meal for three days or until your symptoms subside. 

It is also great to include turmeric in your cooking like our Sunshine Turmeric Soup and our Moon Milk recipes. 

If you are feeling unwell or experiencing long COV-ID you should always consult your doctor, but I’d also encourage you to take our Online Wellness Quiz to get your Free Wellness Profile that determines the top 3 Wellness Pillars you need to focus on to transform your life.