Top 10 Gut Health Travel Tips

Top 10 Gut Health Travel Tips

Maintaining gut health while travelling can be challenging due to diet, routine, and environmental changes. However, travelling can still be an exhilarating experience, offering new sights, sounds, and tastes without digestive discomfort.  

To help you enjoy your holiday travels, I've compiled my top 10 gut health travel tips. These expert tips are not just for a specific type of travel, but adaptable to any situation.

From staying hydrated and packing probiotics to managing stress and eating fibre-rich foods, these strategies can be applied whether you're on a relaxing vacation or a hectic business trip. They will keep your digestive system in shape, no matter the circumstances.

Traveling Gut Health Concerns

For many, travelling brings about concerns regarding gut health. Changes in diet, routine, and environment can wreak havoc on your digestive system, leading to discomfort and stress. But with some planning and mindful practices, you can maintain a healthy gut while enjoying your holiday to the fullest.


Gut Health Hacks Support Mind-Body Balance

Here are some expert tips to help you keep your gut in top shape while on the go. These tips are great general lifestyle hacks if you travel a lot for work, too, so that we can help support you with mind-body balance. 


1. Stay Hydrated - Simple, Yet Effective

Staying hydrated is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to support your gut health. Water aids in digestion and helps prevent constipation. Carry a reusable water bottle and drink plenty of water throughout the day. Be mindful of the local water quality and opt for bottled water if necessary.

You can also mix your wellness or detox waters when travelling, for these ingredients can be easily sourced or thrown into your luggage. Staying hydrated will also help with inflight 'cankles' and swollen legs, and I always take our Rejuv Water Flo Capsules before and three days after any flight to avoid water retention.


2. Take Probiotics To Fight Gut Microbiome Disruption

Travel can disrupt your gut microbiome due to changes in diet and increased stress. Probiotic supplements can help maintain the balance of good bacteria in your gut.

Choose a high-quality probiotic and start taking it a few days before your trip, continuing throughout your travels and for a week once you return.

An example of an excellent all-around probiotic is our Rejuv Probiotic Max, but if you are prone to candida and fungus, then our Gut Repair is better for you.


3. Fibre-Rich Snacking 

Fibre is essential for a healthy immune and digestive system. However, it can be challenging to get enough fibre while travelling, especially if you eat out frequently.

Pack fibre-rich snacks like apples, nuts or carrots. Opt for salads and vegetables to keep your fibre intake up when dining out. You can also fast-track with our Prebiotic Immune capsules to keep your fibre intake high, especially when travelling. 


4. Avoid Processed Foods & Support Local Markets

Processed foods are often high in sugar and unhealthy fats, which can disrupt your gut health. Aim to eat whole, unprocessed foods as much as possible. Visit local markets to find fresh produce and choose dishes that feature natural ingredients.


5. Be Relaxed & Grateful For Your Gut Health

Travel can be stressful, and stress negatively impacts gut health. To control your stress levels, practice stress-management techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga.

Taking a few moments each day to relax and think and feel at least one thing you're grateful for can make a significant difference. To keep your stress at bay, add our Adrenal Support capsules with adaptogenic herbs.


6. Move & Stay Active 

Physical activity helps keep your digestive system functioning correctly. Incorporate movement into your daily routine, whether walking, swimming, or doing a quick workout in your hotel room.

Staying active benefits your gut and enhances your overall travel experience. Remember to put your bare feet on the earth to reduce flight radiation.


7. Boost Your Digestive Enzymes 

Boosting your digestive enzymes is critical because your gut is the first place your body will need to deal with new bugs from different parts of the world that you are used to.

When I travel, I never leave home without our Rejuv Digestive Support capsules to support gut function, from inflight meals to treat meals to eating out. These capsules help me avoid all potential stomach upsets.  

Maintaining good hygiene is crucial to preventing the ingesting of harmful bacteria that can upset your stomach. A hack you can also add is to chew gum for 5-10 minutes after any meal to naturally boost your stomach acids, helping eliminate the bloat and reduce the likelihood of bacteria and tummy upsets.


8. Limit Alcohol & Caffeine

While it's tempting to indulge in local drinks, excessive alcohol and caffeine can irritate your gut and lead to dehydration. Enjoy these drinks in moderation and opt for gut-friendly alternatives like herbal teas or Kombucha when possible.

To keep your water intake up, choose alcoholic beverages with less sugar, like Red or Rosé wine instead of white, and a long drink, such as vodka with soda and fresh fruits, such as lemon and lime.


9. Feed Your Gut Fermented Foods 

Fermented foods like organic yoghurt, organic kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi and cloudy apple cider vinegar are rich in probiotics, which support healthy gut flora. Try to incorporate these foods into your diet while travelling. They benefit your gut and offer a taste of local cuisine.


10. Get Enough Sleep 

Adequate rest is essential for gut health. Poor sleep can disrupt your gut microbiota and increase gut permeability. Aim for a consistent sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine to ensure you get the rest you need. Gift yourself an afternoon snooze or siestas.

Jet lag can also take its toll. Hence, if travelling abroad, change your watch to local time as soon as you get on the plane. I always add our Stress and Sleep Support Capsules to take the stress out of flying. I load on these with 2-4 capsules at night for three days to reset my body clock and not waste time. I can relax for a well-deserved rest.


Travel Without Compromising Your Gut Health

Travelling doesn't have to mean compromising your gut health. By following these tips, you can enjoy your holiday and keep your digestive system happy and healthy.

Remember to stay hydrated, eat a balanced diet, manage stress, and stay active. With some planning and mindfulness, you can have a gut-friendly and enjoyable travel experience. Happy travels!