5 Super Greens Breakfast Drink Recipes To Kickstart Your Day

I wake up at 6 am every day and always start with 250-500ml of our Rejuv Wellness Water, or if I’m in a rush, I have plain water. Next, I love to have a super greens drink to give my body what it needs as I kickstart my day.

What Are The Benefits Of A Super Greens Breakfast Drink?

  • They are Nutrient-Rich: Super greens drinks are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 
  • Super Greens Improve Digestion: It contains dietary fibre, aiding digestion, promoting regular bowel movements, and helping you feel full.
  • Increased Energy: The vitamins and minerals in super greens can help boost your energy levels, making them a great choice for a morning pick-me-up.
  • Antioxidant Support: The greens in these drinks are often rich in antioxidants, which can help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals and oxidative stress.
  • Weight Management: Super greens drinks can be a low-calorie, nutrient-dense option for breakfast. 
  • Hydration: Super greens drinks have a high water content, which contributes to your daily hydration needs. 
  • Convenient & Time-Saving: Preparing a super greens drink can be quick and convenient, making it an ideal choice for busy mornings when you don't have time for a full breakfast (if you're really short of time - try our Super Greens Capsules on the go!)

You can learn more about the benefits of taking Super Greens in the blog “What Does Super Greens Do For You?”.


Super Greens Drinks Support Intermittent Fasting

If you practise intermittent fasting, you’ll love these recipes as they are less than 40 calories, meaning you won’t break your fast, and all ingredients promote healing at a cellular level.

I always use the same base and then tweak it for function and flavour with ginger, cayenne pepper, cinnamon or turmeric.

I have embraced intermittent fasting for 25 years because it is a powerful way to give your body a chance to heal and cleanse itself in the mornings.

If you want to take your wellness journey to the next level, swap one or two meals daily for one of our super greens juices. Ensure you have half an avocado or 1-2 handfuls of whole nuts to avoid any blood sugar lows.

The Smart Way To Add Morning Fruits & Vegetables

Juicing can be a smart way to include fruits and vegetables to your breakfast if you don’t enjoy eating them. Juicing is also a great way to have fruits and vegetables you may not normally eat.

Blending for More Phytonutrients & Fibre

Consider blending the fruits and vegetables instead of juicing them. Blending the edible parts of fruits and vegetables produces a drink that contains more phytonutrients and prebiotic fibre. Adding fibre is a clever way to help you feel fuller and is great for your gut health.

If you try juicing, make sure you only juice as much as you can drink at that time to avoid the growth of harmful bacteria, which tends to proliferate in freshly squeezed juices. The juice also oxidises once in contact with the air - the same way an apple, goes brown over time once the flesh is exposed.


The Juice Base

I always use the same base for my Super Greens Breakfast Drinks. Remember to stick to these proportions if you want to support intermittent fasting.

  • 400 ml of filtered water
  • One pinch of unprocessed sea salt
  • 2 stalks of celery and 2 leaves of romaine lettuce (blitz in a blender to make faster)
  • A squeeze of lemon or lime
  • Two heaped teaspoons of Rejuv Super Greens Complex Powder or The Super Elixir by WelleCo.


Variations for Function & Flavour

Alternate by adding any of these 4 ingredients

  • One thumb of ginger (to support your immune system)
  • A few pinches of cayenne pepper (great for fat-burning)
  • A few punches of cinnamon (to balance blood sugar levels)
  • A few pinches of turmeric (if you need to reduce inflammation

Of course, you can add more than one of these too. I encourage you to use your intuition, see how you feel each day and add what takes your fancy. That is what I do to mix it up.

For a list of functional whole-foods to support your immune system, see this blog.  Or read this blog post to learn more about Food As Medicine. I've also written this blog about Mood Foods


You Don’t Have To Drink Supergreens

If you don’t like to drink Super Greens or have time restraints preventing you from blending the powder into a drink, try taking our Super Greens tablets.

Our capsules make taking supergreens very convenient. We have two formulas of capsule super greens:

  • Super Greens Capsules: this new and improved formula has 14 superfoods in each capsule. The high nutrient content from these whole-food ingredients supports natural detoxification, energy production and internal organ cleansing. 
  • The Heavy Metal Detox Capsules is a powerful all-in-one heavy metal cleansing daily formula with nutrient-dense foods from the sea and earth’s soil to flush out harmful toxins. An organic, food-approved seaweed blend with selected nutritious synergistic herbs to reduce inflammation and support healthy thyroid function.


How To Find The Best Supergreens & Supplements

All the supplements mentioned in this article can be ordered from the Rejuv Wellness Shop by clicking the links or selecting the supplements you need below. We ship all Rejuv Super Greens and Supplements within three days. 

Quick Start Your Wellness Journey

If you have a good idea of where you need support, look at our Quick-Start Wellness Packs - designed for specific needs. You can also visit a section of the shop with collections of supplements targeting your health and wellness goals.

Identify Your Wellness Goals

If you need help setting goals for your long-term health and wellness journey, complete your free Wellness Profile Quiz.

The quiz is based on the Seven Pillars of Wellness and takes about three minutes to complete. It has been designed to build your personal one-page Wellness Profile with recommendations of habits to start (or quit) and supplements to strengthen your weakest pillars of wellness.